Fat Celebrities List

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For a fat guy in the entertainment industry, excess baggage can be a pivotal part of his professional identity. So when a chubby dude drops some serious stones

LGBT black celebrities occupy every career in entertainment. Several actors, comedians, journalists, and athletes are both black and gay – or lesbian, bisexual, que

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Pop songstress Rihanna fell victim Wednesday to a hefty article devoted to her recent weight gain. The article “Is Rihanna Going to Make Being Fat the Hot New Trend

Complete Dead List: Actors, Politicians, Athletes Causes of Death: What’s the most common death? Famous Dead Women: Who is the most famous dead woman?

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Hair loss is incredibly common. In fact everyone will experience hair loss at some point in their lives, providing they live long enough. It seems as though almost

Celebrities don’t just get chauffeured from party to party, many of them actually own, take pride in, and drive their own vehicles. Some of the cars celebrities

Our Bollywood stars also faced weight issues. Here is the list of 13 Bollywood celebrities who were fat in the past and have lost oodles of weight to look slim

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This is a list of celebrities who’ve looked worse with age than one would expect. As they’ve gotten older, these stars have become more and more unattractive. We’ve

Clenbuterol for Weight Loss. A ‘side-effect’ of clenbuterol is its catabolic (fat loss) and anabolic (growth of skeletal muscle) properties.

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In light of the mild hysteria surrounding recent pictures of “Jumbo” Jessica Simpson, we felt it was important to the public discourse to provide photos of the 50

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