Vaginal Secretions During Sex

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Learn about the common causes of vaginal bleeding after sex, including other symptoms associated with these health conditions and how they are treated.

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When I wrote my last piece on female wet dreams, I received many requests to add a portion on vaginal discharge as well. However, since vaginal discharge is a common

Experiencing discharge during early pregnancy (or even discharge during late pregnancy)? When you’re expecting, more than just your belly changes! Here’s how to

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In mammals, the vagina (v-a-j-eye-n-uh or v-uh-j-eye-n-uh) is a muscular and tubular part of the female genital tract, which, in humans, extends from the vulva to the

My manfriend and I were discussing the sexual secretions of men and women the other day. We found out the components of a man’s ejaculate here at your web site. Now

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WebMD explains vaginal dryness, which has a variety of causes, and how it is treated.

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Vaginal discharge serves an important housekeeping function in the female reproductive system. Fluid made by glands inside the vagina and cervix carries away dead

Milky white discharge in early pregnancy is usually normal, but find out what changes in vaginal discharge during pregnancy may signal an infection or other

Painful sex can have many causes. Here are 8 common ones and our expert solutions to make sex pleasurable again.

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The vagina is an elastic, muscular tube connecting the cervix of the uterus to the vulva and exterior of the body. The vagina is located in the pelvic body cavity

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