Large Penis Glans

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(Gk a- = not, posthe = foreskin, -ia = condition) balanitis Disease, especiallly inflammation of the glans. Birley et al. found that one cause was too much washing

The clitoris is a complex structure, containing external and internal components. It consists of the glans (including the frenulum of clitoris, which is a frenulum on

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A penis (plural penises or penes /-n iː z /) is the primary sexual organ that male s use to inseminate sexually receptive mates (usually females and

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What is a foreskin? The foreskin (or “prepuce”, to use the medical terminology) is the protective skin sheath that covers the glans or head of the flaccid penis.

Fig. 1. Intact adult penis: This illustration represents an average normal adult human penis. The head of the penis (glans) has a covering, called

HOW SMEGMA SERVES THE PENIS by Joyce Wright, M. D. Nature’s Assurance That the Uncircumcised Glans Penis Will Function Smoothly is Provided by Smegma

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The glans penis can be described as the rounded head (or tip) of the penis. Located in the middle of the glans penis is the opening of the urethra, the tube through

WebMD’s Penis Anatomy Page provides a diagram of the penis and describes its function, parts, and conditions that can affect the penis.

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