Male Sex Hormone

Testosterone is the main sex hormone that men have. It controls male physical features. The testes (testicles) make testosterone. Women have testosterone too, but in

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Male Hormone Panel: Patient Overview What You Can Do About Male Hormone Imbalance. Optimal health is dependent on a balance of hormones, not just a single hormone.

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The Male Panel of four hormones may highlight imbalances that can contribute to different health conditions. Low levels of testosterone may contribute to bone loss

Individualized dosing based on patient centered goals. Some patients may desire limited hormone effects or a mix of masculine and feminine sex characteristics.

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Male hormones play a big role in energy level, weight, fertility & more! We have the info you need to learn about hormones in men & its health effects.

A new study reveals testosterone is the reason why men are less likely to have asthma than women.

I have hormone imbalance, which cause of my fibrocystic breast disease, i got twice operated because of it, I am wonder if sex will help me to get my hormone balance

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Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) of the male-to-female (MTF) type is a form of hormone therapy and sex reassignment therapy that is used to change the secondary

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Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) of the female-to-male (FTM) type is a form of hormone therapy and sex reassignment therapy that is used to change the secondary

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